The file “^f” must remain in the active System Folder after your Macintosh is started up in order to run this KeyServer controlled program.[.KA-300.]
Network interruption or other potential license violation. Please quit from the KeyServer controlled programs listed below.[.KA-310.]
Network interruption or other potential license violation. You must quit from the KeyServer controlled programs listed below.[.KA-320.]
Your clock does not agree with KeyServer’s. Do you want your clock set?
Your clock ^T ^D
Change to ^t ^d
[+Set Clock+][-Cancel-][.KA-330.]
Sorry, your notification request for “^w” has been lost. Try launching this program again.[.KA-340.]
The program “^w” is now available from “^n”. This KeyServer will reserve a license in your name for five minutes if you wish.[+Reserve+][.KA-350.]
You are running “^a” off of an AppleShare file server. For better performance and reduced network traffic, please copy the program and run it from your hard disk.[.KA-360.]
The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, is not compatible with this version of ^f. Would you like KeyServer to automatically update ^f?[.KA-370.]
The KeyServer administrator has reclaimed the licenses for the following applications. Please quit from the programs listed below.[.KA-380.]
The KeyServer administrator has reclaimed the licenses for the following applications. You must quit from the programs listed below.[.KA-390.]
The licenses for the programs listed below have timed out. Please quit from these programs.[.KA-400.]
The licenses for the programs listed below have timed out. You must quit from these programs.[.KA-410.]
The license for “^a” times out in less than one week. If you need it for a longer period of time, connect to the KeyServer and request an extension.[.KA-520.]
The programs listed below have been running idle in the background. If you are not using them, you should quit from them so that others may use their licenses. Bring the program to the foreground to use it.[.KA-420.]
The license for “^a” times out in less than one day. If you need it for a longer period of time, connect to the KeyServer and request an extension.[.KA-530.]
The KeyServer controlled program “^a” can only be used with Remote Access if the modem connection remains intact. Therefore, ^f will not hang-up your modem.[.KA-450.]
Changing your system clock by this much may cause any portable keys to unexpectedly expire. Make sure you entered the desired time properly.[.KA-540.]
Another copy of the KeyServer controlled program “^a” is already running on this computer. Consider quitting from this copy and using the other one. This will allow other people to use the program’s license.[.KA-550.]
The KeyServer controlled program “^a” running on this computer is about to time out. Save your work and quit now in order to avoid further warning messages.[.KA-510.]
The KeyServer controlled programs listed below have been running idle in the background. Please quit from the programs listed below.[.KA-430.]
The KeyServer controlled programs listed below have been running idle in the background. You must quit from the programs listed below.[.KA-440.]
KeyServer has gone to Daylight Savings Time. Do you want your Mac put on Daylight Savings Time also?
Your clock will remain at ^t ^d
KeyServer has gone to Daylight Savings Time. Do you want your clock set?
Your clock ^T ^D
Change to ^t ^d
[+Set Clock+][-Cancel-][.KA-660.]
KeyServer has gone to Standard Time. Do you want your Mac changed to Standard Time also?
Your clock will remain at ^t ^d
KeyServer has gone to Standard Time. Do you want your clock set?
Your clock ^T ^D
Change to ^t ^d
[+Set Clock+][-Cancel-][.KA-680.]
The KeyServer controlled program listed below has been running idle in the background. There are ^0 other users waiting to use this program, so you should quit from it. Bring the program to the foreground to use it.[.KA-425.]
The file named “Census” in your System Folder is obsolete. Please move this file to the Trash.[.KA-690.]